At the entrance of the woods…

Growing up I was fortunate enough to be surrounded by family who taught me the importance of enjoying a simple walk be it across a cornfield, beside a pond, down a dirt road, or my favorite…in a woods. It is there I am able to let go of the struggles life often hands me and discover a truly inner peace, found only while “frolicking among the foliage.”

Whether you’ve stumbled across this page just now or you were led here by word of mouth, you’ve discovered someone (me) who is ready to share life stories in a new way. My experiences, I’m sure, aren’t so different from anyone else’s, but the way in which I view them, learn from them, and the stories which build from them, I promise will be a unique read.

So since you’re here, why not walk with me for a little while into the coolness of the shade trees, where the breeze blows gently and the desire to listen while looking through the branches…..with your eyes closed and a smile on your face, as you feel the warmth of the sun filtering down..

I promise you stories……Some will bring tears, others uproarious laughter, and all will bring us closer together as family, friends, and readers.

Welcome to my life……

18 thoughts on “At the entrance of the woods…

  1. And I get to be the first to comment on your blog. Be sure to check when you are on your dashboard, the little conversation icon in the upper right corner, when it is lit, you have comments to answer. Click on it…
    Nice post.


    • It took me a while to get my first post up, but I believe I am going to love expressing myself in this way. Thank you, Bro for helping me get my blog up and running….and for always helping me get my life moving along in a positive direction! Love ya! Sis šŸ˜˜

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This is such a great idea. Your passion for life and laughter will keep me coming back. Thanks for your friendship and letting us jon you on this journey. ((Hugs))


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